Submission > InstructionsINSTRUCTIONSISTS'14 and IWTDCS'14 accepts two different kinds of submission types. The two formats differ with respect to submission criteria, presentation and discussion time, and consideration for publication. Both types require the submission of an extended abstract (700-1’000 words) by March 2nd 2014 and receive notice of acceptance by March 17th, 2014. If you submit a full paper (15-30 pages, double spaced) you will automatically be assigned to a full paper presentation. You will benefit from a longer presentation time (20 min) and an extended timeslot for the discussion (10 min) which totals to 30 minutes. Only full papers presented at the conference will be considered for publication in the journal “Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences” (published by Elsevier).
TEMPLATEAccepted full papers will be printed in the conference proceedings published by Elsevier Science in the open-access Procedia of Social and Behavioral Sciences series (on-line).Procedia of Social and Behavioral Sciences series is hosted on www.Elsevier.com and on Elsevier content platform ScienceDirect (www.sciencedirect.com), and will be freely available worldwide. All papers in Procedia will contain linked references and citable DOI numbers.Please use this “MS Word Template” for your full paper. Do not make any changes to the structure of the template as this can lead to production errors. To submit your full paper, click here
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